👋 Hello, I'm

Kate Lemass

Front-end developer based in Ireland

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Please enjoy my projects which showcase a range of my front-end coding skills.

React Dictionary app

React Dictionary App

Search any word to find phonetics, definitions, synonyms and examples of it.
Built using React, Javascript, API, HTML, CSS.

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React Weather Forecast

A worldwide weather app and forecast based on city search.
Built using React, Bootstrap, Javascript, API, HTML, CSS.

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React Weather forecast app
Weather forecast app

Weather Forecast

A worldwide weather app and forecast based on city search.
Built using Javascript, API, HTML, CSS.

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World Clock

Select a city to see the the real-time.
Built using advanced Javascript.

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world clock
Ai poem generator

AI Poem Generator

Ask the AI to generate a poem about any subject you choose.
Built using AI integration and Javasscript.

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Responsive Blog

A blog that gets its information across whether you're on a desktop, iPad or phone.
Built using vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS.

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Barcelona blog